Friday, August 7, 2020

The Door Step

After finishing the stepping stone pathway in the stroll garden, I had two stepping stones left over. I knew this might happen, so I planned on using any extra for the door step of each door on the garage, one on the side and the other in the back. 

For the last couple of years I had these old rubberized floor mats at each door. They actually were covered with moss they had been there so long. They were so ugly, I didn't even bother taking a photo of either. 

Side Door

Back Door

The new stones look nice, a bit small perhaps, but for now they will work. 

I can always move them and use them elsewhere if I ever get around to hardscaping the patio area and inner Zen garden path.

1 comment:

  1. Love the color of your siding. Is it turquoise (my favorite) or is that just the shade that my computer comes up with? Such a soft calming color there.

    The little light by the door is lovely as well.
