Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Rock of Ages

In my attempt to improve the dry-landscape garden (or viewing garden) along side the driveway, I purchased a large rock to place within the pea stone.

This is the stone I came across at the local stone/hardscape supply store. It only cost $35, but I thought it was worth it because it had so much character.

Unfortunately, it cost $75 to have it delivered. Its moments like this that I miss my pickup truck I sold back in 2013.

Once delivered, I still had to move the rock and rotate it into place. I also had to find a way to lift it upwards. A large hole was dug and a 2 x 4 and shovel were used to shift it around, but eventually I had to get help from my wife to move it. It was extremely heavy.

After 3 hours of messing around, I finally had it in place. About 10% is buried, so it is actually bigger than it appears. Once in, I reworked the pea stone and cleaned up.



The stone has a lot of character, especially on the side I chose as the face. It also looks good from a distance and the driveway.

It looks great, but that is it for stones. I don't want to fill in this area with too much. I am also reconsidering the location of any future Tortoise Island I was considering in the previous post, perhaps in he planting bed instead of the pea stone. I have to think on it some more.


  1. Trucks are so useful! I hate those delivery fees. We had basement waterproofing done last spring and during the trenching they brought up several really large hunks of limestone. Before the guy with the digger machine finished up and left he moved them into the places that we had selected. It sort of seemed like a free service but when you consider the cost of the waterproofing it really wasn't all that free.

  2. Free rocks are always nice. Wet basements, not so much.
