Sunday, July 7, 2019

Spring Back

Last year I planted some Sky Pencil Holly on either side of the garden entrance in the hopes of filling in the inner gate area. I have not had much luck with this location. Over the winter one of the plants completely died, the other half survived. 

I dug both out, disposed of one, and cleaned  up the surviver and transplanted him behind my garden shed in the work area. He might recover over time, but we will have to wait and see.

As replacements, I decided to remove some of the Clumping Bamboo (Fargesia rufa) that I had planted behind the shed as remnants a couple years ago. 


The small pieces of the original plant did well and grew to a size that was good enough to use in the Zen garden. Given that these plants do not like direct sun and prefer shade, I thought they might do well as borders to the gate, especially given the limited amount of light that hits that area.

I will have to wait and see how the do. Hopefully they will take root and thrive.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful work David! I've been following your site for a few years now and really enjoy watching your garden evolve. I recently started my own website ( primarily to share my interest in bonsai but I also plan to include my Japanese gardening endeavor. Best Regards, Jim
