Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trench Digging

Before I can begin work on the planned water feature, I have to dig a trench from the house to a location near the gazebo. This location will allow the water feature pump to be supplied with electricity. The location will also allow for some new lighting in the gazebo and even a small outdoor ceiling fan/light.

Digging the trench was made easier after I purchased an angled trenching spade. 

I can not overstate how useful this shovel was, well worth the $37 I spent.

After moving and covering the bricks and chicken grit within the mini-zen garden, I was ready to dig the first part of the trench along the edge of the back porch.

It was a bit tricky near the rain chain basin, but there was just enough room.

I then angled the trench toward the gazebo post where the outlet would be located.

Initially I planned to dig a straight line from the opposite side of the mini-zen garden along the see-through fence line. 

After consulting with the electrician, it was decided that slight bends in the electrical conduit would not be a problem. By choosing this slightly angled path it eliminated the needs to dig up the large stone, forest grass and the patio bricks at the entrance to the garden.

The soil here is very sandy, so once I got through the first couple of inches of gravel near the top, it was easy to dig the trench 18 inches deep. 

Now that the trench is dug I will need to wait for the electrician to arrive and run the conduit and install the outlets.

In the meantime, I will watch my step.