Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Bonsai Gallery

After building my initial bonsai stand, I decided to build three more. 

Once I realized that the stand I designed, and the metal mailbox spike used to hold it, was stable, I took inventory of my leftover cedar posts and boards and determined that I had just enough materials to build three more stands.

After cutting and sanding, the three new stands were built and stained.

I did have to buy some more black stain, and three more mailbox spikes, but the overall costs were within reason - the total for the four stands = $150. Not a bad investment given the improved interest it will add to the garden.

I now have to consider a name change for the passage way from the Middle Gate to the Courtyard. From here on in, I will refer to it as the Bonsai Gallery. 

The Bonsai Garden viewed from the Courtyard

The posts worked well with the existing shrubs within the walkway. Originally, the first stand was placed in the Guanyin bed behind the garage, but I decided to keep them all in one place. Hence, the relocating of the first stand.

Each of the bonsai looks nice on the stands. I kept the size of each box to 12 x 12" so that I could move the plants around if I choose.



The Bonsai Garden viewed form the Middle Gate entrance

Overall, I am very happy with the outcome. The passageway now has something interesting to see as one passes through. The stand and plants also work well with the large garage wall as a backdrop.

Its now up to me to make sure I do not kill the four bonsai I own.