Friday, August 28, 2015

Bell Install

I started the first stage of reworking the area next to the back stairs where I've decided to locate the bell I purchased from the Portland Japanese Garden.

After considering different designs, I opted to go with a single post. Doing so allows me to utilize the bracket that came with the bell. The post is a 4x4 cedar post. 

I chose not to cement it in place in case I need to relocate the bell in the future. I will have to see if the weight of the bell (18 pounds) causes the post to shift over time. If it does shift, I can always dig it out and cement it in place.

I also decided to rework the area at the base. Currently, it is covered with peastone. The plants that are located there (1 Hosta, 3 daylilies) were placed there a couple years ago as a temporary attempt to add some plants that needed transplanting. I dug them up and moved them elsewhere outside the garden.

I also removed a large portion of the peastone and placed some curved edging that stretched from the entry way into the garden over to the edge of the back step. I will eventually fill it in with mulch and perhaps some small flowering plants near the garden entrance. The large area behind the bell-post and next to the step will get a Spirea similar to the one on the opposite side of the steps - I'm thinking I can get one one sale this time of year.

So far, the bell looks good and is working fine. I need to replace the dryer vent in the basement window before I continue with any of the changes mentioned above. This vent should eventually be hidden by the Spirea as it grows. The 4 x 4 post on the ground will also be moved at some point in the future. I am hoping to add a small 3 foot Yotsumegaki  style fence along this edge of the garden (see images below), maybe next year. 

I will then think about how to add some sort of roof structure to the post so as to cover the bell from the elements.

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