I took the time to plant the Coral Bark Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Sango kaku/coral bark') in front of the gazebo post as planned.
Before doing so, I decided to create a small circular bed lined with plastic trim as a place to plant the tree and place some small assorted plants. The plastic edging will help to keep the peastone out of the area directly around the tree and allow me to amend the soil here from time to time.
The corner post of the gazebo is one of the first things people see when they enter the garden, so I am hoping this Maple will help soften that corner and add some interest to the garden by adding some color and a canopy. This maple has the possibility of growing to 20' x 14', but my plan is to prune it and maintain its growth and shape (I hope).
I was concerned after starting that I was disrupting the Feng Shui of the garden by placing this tree and bed in front of the post. It disrupts the straight path from the back lawn towards the Zen garden.
I'm not sure if I am violating any strict Feng Shui rules, but the idea of having a canopy with some color here and blocking the harsh view of the post, outweighs my concerns about maintaining a straight uninterrupted path. Maybe the bend will impede any "hungry ghosts" who try to enter the garden (they like to travel in straight lines).
Time will tell, as the tree grows, if it was a mistake or not.
For now, I placed the potted Bonfire (Euphorboia epithymoides 'Bonfire') and Autumn Moon Maple (Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon') near or in the bed.
In time, I can also add some small annuals to the bed to add seasonal interest.