Saturday, October 31, 2020

Moving the Yew

In order to make room for the fence extension next spring, I had to remove and transplant the two Japanese Yews I planted in the viewing garden bed area back in 2017. 

I originally placed them here after they suffered deer damage along the Dragon's Spine area. 

I only placed them in the viewing area out of necessity - I had nowhere else to put them and they looked pretty bad. Even though they continued to grow, they never really filled in and continued to look wonky.

So, out they came, with now where to go. I was torn. They had to come out, it was late in the fall, and if they were going to survive, I had to get them back in the ground soon. I offered them to a neighbor, but that fell through. So, with no other location available on the property, I decided to plant them just on the other side of the Woodland Gate. Technically, this is off-property, but I am hoping the owner doesn't mind or care.

Weirdly, the Yews looked much bigger in this location than they did in the viewing garden area. It must be some sort of optical illusion. They are still wonky looking, but they definitely grew much bigger over the three years. However, they never fully recovered from the deer.

The problem now - the deer will come and eat them again. So, I covered them with a fine netting that should deter the deer. If they get to them, I really don't care. Worst case scenario is I just get rid of them. If they make it, then maybe they can stay a bit longer.

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