Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Corner Reborn

This season has been one of challenges that I did not anticipate. Throughout the garden many plants did not reappear after the winter. However, in the stroll garden there are several additional problems. 

First, voles decided to over-winter near the large East Gate at the end of the Stroll Garden. It appears they did a lot of digging within the bamboo but they also destroyed the large expanse of dark green Hosta that had been residing in that corner since 2012. 

Hosta, Dark Green, at right - 2020

For 12 years the Hosta thrived and no critters ever bothered them. This season they were decimated. I did my best to dig up the remnants and pot them up for rehabilitation, but it will be a while before I can determine if they will survive. Essentially, the voles ate the roots from underneath during the winter.

In their place, I planted four new Elegans Blue Hosta (Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegens') that were similar in style to the previous plants, except with a white bloom. I can only hope that the voles and rabbits leave these new plants alone. It will take several years for this corner to achieve the same lush, full look a before. 

I also decided to remove a small two foot section of bamboo and plant a Variegated Dwarf Cardinal Shrub (Weigela florida "variegated Nana') in the corner. 

Given that this shrub might grow three to four feet, I am hoping that it will cover up the corner and add a bit more interest. I also am waiting for the bamboo in this bed to fill in - it has been a couple of years since the bamboo has done well. I may have to consider its removal at the end of the season.