Saturday, May 4, 2024

Buddha Makeover, Part 1

After 13 years, it was time to give Buddha and the corner of the garden a major makeover. 

The plantings in this area experienced several changes over the years. A couple of ferns behind Buddha, two Astilbe and Bottle-Rockets on either side, and some small Mouse-Ear Hosta had defined the corner for most of the time. There had also been a good amount of Black Mexican Stone in front and surrounding Buddha.

A couple years ago I removed the stones after the Mouse-Ear Hosta had failed to return. I then allowed moss to cover the area. The soil around the statue contributed to the discoloration of the statute, requiring that I take Buddha out of the corner and give him a serious cleaning with a power washer. 

I was able to make good use of the moss by transplanting it to the curved edge where the Hosta had been located. First I removed a lot of the weed fabric that had been inhibiting the the ability of the plants to grow. This edge had also become unsightly, especially during the non-summer period after the Hosta had been cut back. Once opened up, I then filled the gaps with the moss.

Following the power wash, Buddha looks brand new and has an almost gleaming white shine. In actuality, its made of cast cement, very heavy, but it also able to handle a power wash.

I then cleared out the corner and prepped it for the addition of new plants.

I will now start the process of seeking out new plants to help Buddha return to his status as the garden patron who helps ensure the continued beauty of the garden.