Saturday, June 1, 2024

Welcome The New Sun King

Back in 2022, I filled in the inner back corner by the East Gate with a Little Heath Pieris (Pieris japonica 'Little Heath')

I was hopeful that it would do well in that shady spot. However, at some point in my ongoing maintenance of the Pom Pom Cyprus, I stepped on it and broke some of it's branches. It never recovered, and this season I decided it was time for a change.

I have had success with a Sun King Japanese Spikenard (Aralia cordata 'SunKing') in the box next to the rear garage door

As a result, I decided to obtain another and plant it in the corner. 

This plant likes shade, so it should do well here. Also, it will fill in the area with foliage. If it gets too crowded, its easy to trim the Sun King back and control its growth.