It is not an authentic lantern. It's made from a cement mold rather than more expensive hand carved granite. As usual, I am trying save some money.
I think that over time it will look nice. As it accumulates lichen and some moss, and it weathers a bit, it should begin to look more interesting. Most people I know won't know the difference.
I wanted to locate it in the garden in an area that is a bit hidden from the street view.
I will most likely extend the fence next summer along the edge with the neighbor's white rail fence. Until then, I want to make the lantern something that people have to discover as they stroll across the stepping stones.
So far, it looks very good. Even for a cement mold, it has some interest in its design and from afar looks like the real thing.
Its a little short at three feet, but I don't want it to be big and out of proportion to the rest of the garden.
Best of all, I purchased this at a local plant and lanscape store for $138. A real granite lantern would have cost at least $700, way above my price range. So, I got a great deal and the lantern really adds to the viewing experience of the stroll garden. I am very happy.