Saturday, August 8, 2020

Beautiful, But Yummy

I planted this Brunette Snakeroot (Actaea simplex "Brunette') after trimming the Pompom Cyprus a couple of weeks ago. This area near the back gate still needs work, especially after having removed two large established plants last year.

I thought this plant would work well given that it likes shade, and this area, below the Cyprus gets little sunlight. 

However, since planting, it has been constantly attacked and eaten by a critter, most likely a rabbit. You can see some of the damage in the image below:

Initially, after the first day planted, about 20% was eaten away. This is frustrating. I like rabbits, but not when they eat a plant that I just put in the ground and which cost me $20+. This is the first year I have had this type of issue. Never really had anything eating plants before, other than slugs.

If it survives, I might move it closer to the foundation wall and move the existing Astilbe in that location in its place.