Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October Ablaze

Between October 21 and 25, the dwarf maples exploded with fall colors. 

This year the colors were very bright, especially compared to last year. 

We also had a small bit of snowfall which hastened the falling of the leaves. However, in the first few days the trees looked fantastic. By November 1 leaves were everywhere, but in the Moon Window my little sick dwarf maple was still hanging in there. The color looked good and I am hopeful that it might survive the transplant long term and eventually do well in this more shady location. In the meantime, the colors look wonderful when viewed through the window.


  1. Oh, that little Japanese maple, the star of the moon window, is looking really good compared to when you first transplanted it. It looks like a really feisty little plant now. I think it's going to make it.

  2. I agree. It seems to have taken well to the new location. I also like the look - sparse, yet interesting. Next summer I am going to try pruning and shaping him a bit to maintain the current appearance in the moon window.
