Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Try, and Try again...

Back in 2015 I had planted two Japanese Sedge Grass (Carex 'Silver Scepter') plants on either side of the central gate. I have had to change these plants several times. Sometimes they just would not survive the winter. This spring, they did not return, so I purchases two new plants: Forest Grass (Hakonechloa  macra "All Gold')


I really like the bright "gold" color. Stands out from the dark color of the nearby Japanese Painted Ferns.

They like partial to full shade, so I am hoping they will do o.k. in this location. There is not any direct sunlight. The ferns here have been doing great. These two grass plants should only get to about 8-12" in height and width, so they have some room to grow without blocking the entrance way.